About UsHistory

Water FallWhen the Spanish Conquistadors got to the province of Tolima in Colombia they soon learned the legend of CATAYMA, a paradise where local natives lived in harmony with "Grandmother Nature". Nature, thankful for the treatment Indians gave her, rewarded them with a forest full of crystal clear waters, strong but docile animals, and plants that only bore perfect flowers and fruits.

At the beginning of this century, on a mountainous land so beautiful that could not help being called CATAYMA, the first coffee trees of the region were planted.

CATAYMA coffee, grown at altitudes between 4,800 and 6,300 feet above sea level, beneath the shadows of native species, is hand-harvested by land loving people. It is then processed with a clear environment in mind and carefully sun-dried, so nature can still be happy for the pampering received for almost a century of continuous coffee growing.


"Grand Mother Nature" in return, has blessed CATAYMA coffee with the blend of body, aroma, acidity and taste that only the most perfect of the specialty coffees can have.